You Stay Classy, America. How To Tell if You're Upper, Middle, or Lower Class

Americans have been spinning around in an economic washing machine for the last few years.😵‍💫 Inflation and rising interest rates are no picnic and the recent layoffs are basically nightmare fuel. 👹 All of these fun little factors have caused a shake up when it comes to income class, knocking some people up or down a rung depending on circumstances.

Wanna know how your income stacks up against the rest of the nation? We've got the latest numbers. 🤓


Here’s Five Fast Facts on income classes in the United States :

  1. 📊 Right Down the Middle - According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2021, the median annual income for Americans was $70,784. 
  1. 📈📉 The Lows and the Highs - You're considered lower-class if your household income is less than $48,500. To be considered upper-class, your household income must be greater than $145,500.
  1. 🗺️ Location, Location, Location - Your geographical location may have a huge influence on which class you believe you belong to. For example, a $100,000 annual household income feels much different in a major city in California than it does in rural Alabama.

  2. 🐻 Oh, Hey Goldilocks - A recent report by Pew Research found that the median income of middle-class households in 2020 was $90,131. That's 50% higher than it was in 1970 (which would have been around $59,934.)
  1. 🧑‍🔬 It's Exact Science - If you want to find out exactly where you fall, the Pew Research Center has a spiffy little calculator you can play with.

🔥Bottom line: Regardless of where you fall in terms of income class, there are several ways to get the most bang for your buck. 💸 Yes, even while we're riding the waves of Inflation Nation 🌪️. Click here if you've been thinking about buying a new home. Ladies, click here to learn more about boosting your income in a man's world.

Where do you fall on the income class scale?

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