Why Are Gas Prices (Still) So High In Washington State?

When was the last time you filled your car up at the pump? We’ll bet you dollars to donuts that it made you cringe a bit (or maybe a lot). If the economy is going so well like they say on TV, and if inflation is down almost to normal levels, then what the heck is going on with the high gas prices? Well, we’ve got your answers right here!

Here are Five Fast Facts about high gas prices in Washington State:

  1. 🪁 Kites Are Jealous - Prices are high. Like, so high that kites are green with envy. As of this writing, WA State has the third highest price per gallon at $4.51. Only California and Hawaii are worse. This is an increase of about 9 cents in the past week and almost 40 cents in the last month. Too bad the stock market doesn’t go up like this.
  1. 😱 Don’t Panic (Yet) - The experts tell us not to panic. They say that there are good and normal reasons for the price increases, and that we should not be at all worried about it. Whew, that’s good to know! Except…we still have to pay those high prices in order to get to silly places like work, school, and the grocery store.
  1. 😡 So Demanding - One of the big reasons gas is up right now is the increasing demand. To be fair, this is a normal seasonal peak time - as the weather gets nicer, more people get out and drive places. When demand goes up, so do prices. That is basic economics.
  1. 🌷 Seasonal Changes - Another normal reason for increased prices in the spring is that refineries are changing over to their summer blends. They have to shut down the refinery, clean it all out, and then start making the summer formula. This means supply is temporarily reduced, which also drives up prices. Again, basic economics. Although you could argue that the government is the sole reason different seasonal blends exist…just sayin’...
  1. 💰 Taxes And Other Awesomeness - The third reason for high prices is something much more sketchy: the state’s cap-and-trade program, which we’ve talked about before. It’s bringing in piles of cash for the state through taxes on carbon emissions…but a side effect is that gas prices are much more expensive than they need to be. This isn’t a surprise, nor is it a mistake. It’s part of the design - cap and trade programs raise gas prices on purpose to try to reduce fossil fuel usage. So, yay for success!

🔥Bottom line: We’re all for preserving the environment! Heck, we’ve got some of the best environment in the whole country, and we love being out in it! But when government policies hit us squarely in the pocketbook like this, it really does raise the question of whether or not this is worth it.

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