What to Lie About in an Interview

We don't like to promote liars, but everything has a time and a place. 🙃 And yes, that even applies to (drum roll please) job interviews! 💼

While you don't want to fib the entire thing, you can totally get away with telling a little lie here and there. 🤭 In fact, in some cases, it just might get you the job. 


Here’s Five Fast Facts on lies to tell in an interview:

  1. 👂 Gossip Girl - If you're interviewing for a new job because you hate the boss at your current gig, it's OK to keep that to yourself. Bad mouthing a past or current employer puts out a bad vibe. It could make a potential employer think you'll bad mouth them, too. When you're asked why you're looking for a new job, say you're looking for a new challenge or you want to keep developing your skills.
  1. 💸 Just the Check - Let's face it. We all want jobs because of the money and benefits, but saying that in an interview is a no-no. When you're asked why you want a job, focus more on why you're excited about the company. For example, say you're interested in the products or services they offer or that you love the company's mission and vision. 
  1. 🔮 Psychic Predictions - Where do you see yourself in five years? Do any of us *really* know the answer to that? However, interviewers usually look for candidates who want to stay with a company for the long haul. Hiring and training new people is mad expensive. When you're asked about your career future, mention you'd like to stay with a company long enough to grow your skills and potentially explore management opportunities.
  1. 📋 Mad Skillz - If you're interviewing for a job that requires you to know rocket science, you probably need to be a rocket scientist. However, for most other jobs, there's wiggle room to lie about your skills within reason. For example, if you're not an Excel genius but know enough to get by, you can say you're proficient in Excel. We won't tell.
  1. 🤐 Time for the Truth - What shouldn't you lie about? Don't lie about major things that can easily be debunked in a background or reference check. Don't say you went to Harvard if you didn't and don't make up previous jobs. Oh, and don't use Fido's pee for that pre-employment drug test. It won't end well.

🔥Bottom line: Interviews are stressful enough as it is. When it comes to answering the tough questions, don't feel like you need to always have a perfect answer. Remember, interviewers are humans, too! Not feeling so hot? According to a recent study, these common health complaints could be the reason for your less-than-stellar performance on the job. 

Have you ever lied in an interview?

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