Water Rate Hikes Coming for Many PA Residents

Remember when the price of a dozen eggs was like $57.95? 🍳🥴 Yeah, we sure do. We survived the Great Egg Price Hike by scrambling smarter and keeping our attitudes sunny side up. 😌

While our eggs are back on the cheap side, Pennsylvania American Water is about to hike up the price of H2O for millions of PA residents. 🤑 Read on to learn more about this not-so-eggcellent news. 


Here’s Five Fast Facts on the water rate hike:

  1. 💧 On Tap - Roughly two million people throughout the Pittsburgh area will be affected by upcoming Pennsylvania American Water rate hikes. Here’s just some of the areas they service: Bethel Park, Bridgeville, McKeesport, McMurray, Munhall, New Castle, and Sewickley.
  1. 🚰 Financial Faucet - These rate changes will bring the utility company an annual revenue increase of $99.3 million. If you think that’s a lot, they originally asked for a ton more. Pennsylvania American Water’s initial rate hike request would have been worth almost $204 million. 
  1. 🥳 Power to the People - To try to stop such drastic price increases, over 100 customers gave testimony to the PA Public Utility Commission. Thanks to them, prices will go up a little under 10% instead of their proposed 20%. And yeah, 10% is still…high.
  1. 👀 Something in the Water - After hearing the customers’ testimony, The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission voted 4-1 to lower the water company’s first proposal. They’re also launching an investigation into the water quality in the Scranton area after complaints from many residents.
  2. 🚿 Rising Tides - Impacted customers have a couple of weeks left to savor those old lower rates. The rate increase is scheduled to take effect on August 7th. Go crazy and leave the hose running on that slip n’ slide.

🔥Bottom line: You know what they say…save water, shower with a friend! If that doesn’t sound appealing, you can also save water by skipping a shower every now and then. Just make sure you double up on the deodorant…and none of that “all natural” crap! Wanna learn more about PA’s newest laws? Check out this article

Will you be impacted by these rate increases?

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