Vibe Check: Ohio’s Early Education System

A new school season is in the air! Can you smell it? 👃 What does an upcoming school season smell like, anyway? Parents say it smells like peace, quiet, and an uninterrupted viewing of their favorite Netflix series. 🧘📺 

Wondering how Ohio’s early education stacks up against the rest of the nation? Dive into these fresh stats. 🤿


Here’s Five Fast Facts on Ohio’s early education system:

  1. 📋 Meet Me in the Middle - A recent study ranked the early education systems of all 50 states from best to worst. They looked at three major factors: access, quality, and resources & economic support. The Buckeye State came in towards the middle at 36.
  1. 🏫 Quality Check - Only 11 states in the country offer universal pre-K programs, and Ohio isn’t one of them (womp womp). On the flip side, Ohio ranked a little higher for overall quality of their early education system. They’re 21st on that list.
  1. 🎒 Rest of the Pack - Arkansas is number one in the country for early education. Indiana was the worst. Here’s how Ohio’s neighbors stack up: West Virginia (6), Michigan (11), Pennsylvania (14), and Kentucky (25).
  1. 💵 Spending Stats - According to the National Institute for Early Education Research, Ohio spent a total of $72,000,000 on early education. That comes out to around $4,000 per child.
  2. 🚸 For the Kids - While pre-K isn’t required in Ohio, experts say it makes a big difference. Kids who enroll are more academically prepared, more likely to graduate from high school, and have a better chance of earning high paychecks as adults than kids who don’t.

🔥Bottom line: A middle-of-the-road ranking isn’t too shabby…but it’s not stellar either. There’s always room for improvement! School supplies (like everything else these days) aren’t cheap. Check out this article for tips on how to save big. 

Are your kids enrolled in a pre-K program?

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