Time to Face Those Money Fears

It’s lurking in the shadows and haunting you in your sleep. It’s creeping into the corners of your mind like a nasty plague. No, it’s not the demon living in your neighborhood sewer system. 🧌🤪 It’s…money! 💰

Does money make you want to run for the hills? Whether you’re afraid to lose it or afraid you’ll never make enough, we’ve got a nifty guide to make you feel financially big and strong. 💪


Here’s Five Fast Facts on common money fears and how to get over them:

  1. 🫢 Sweetest Taboo - Stressed about money? Join the club. Four out of five Americans report having anxiety about their finances. Money is still a pretty taboo topic, too. Only a little more than half (52%) of Americans feel comfortable talking about money and 45% report being embarrassed to talk about it.   
  1. 📉 Oops, I Did It Again - One of the biggest fears people have about money is making a mistake with it. Whether you forget to make a bill payment or you don’t have a will in place, plenty of money issues keep us awake at night. Prevent mistakes and ease your mind by staying proactive. Set those bills on autopay and make sure you have beneficiaries listed on your accounts.
  1. 💸 Empty Pockets - Another biggie: running out of money. One survey found that 63% of Americans worry more about running out of cash than dying! Phew. Instead of panicking, take some action. Start that emergency fund you’ve been putting off and commit to put a portion of your paycheck towards it each pay period. Even small amounts add up in the long run. 
  1. 🫵 Judge Judy - Worried your friends will judge you for not being able to afford that night out? Scared your family will kick you to the curb over your debt? Fears of judgment from loved ones is a major money fear. To help ease any tension, be as honest as possible. Chances are those close to you will be more open than you think, and they might even offer to help.
  2. 🫣 Out of Mind - If you’re afraid of a current money blunder, it’s easy to want to ignore it. Shame is one helluva drug. However, doing so could bring pretty big consequences. Owe the IRS? Pay Uncle Sam right away. If you’re in credit card debt, at the very least, make the minimum payments. The sooner you chip away at your money issues, the faster you can take a well-deserved exhale. 

🔥Bottom line: Money issues are everywhere and we’ve all got ‘em. The next time you’re feeling those money monsters creeping in, remember you’re not alone. Wondering about what’s in store for the stock market with a new president on the way? This article breaks it all down. 

What scares you the most about money?

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