Who's ready for some Black Friday deals? 🛍️ As soon as you finish off that last piece of pumpkin pie, it's time to lace up those sneaks and hit the retail trail. 👟🥧 Gotta be first in line to get that Tickle Me Elmo!
If you like to plan ahead, you might rely on a trusty personal finance app to keep your budget in order. 📲 However, some of these apps are pretty sneaky and collect a ton of personal data. If you're not paying attention, you could be sharing a lot more than you bargained for. 🕵️ Black Friday pun intended.
Here’s Five Fast Facts on finance apps that steal your data:
🔥Bottom line: When apps collect your personal data, it sometimes goes beyond your location, gender, and birthday. Many apps also collect your browsing and search history, health and fitness data, and contact information. If you like to keep things close to the vest, make sure you're reading an app's privacy policy before you hit download. Play it safe and know what you're getting into!
Do you use any of these personal finance apps?
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