You know the old saying "time is money," right? Well, it's ringing truer than ever today. Folks are juggling more gigs than a circus performer, thanks to inflation, job jitters, and the looming threat of pink slips. They're clocking in extra hours to beef up the bank account.
But hold up a sec! Is that really the secret sauce to happiness and fulfillment? Are people finding joy in this hustle-and-bustle grind? 🤔
Here are Five Fast Facts on taking a pay cut for happiness:
- 👍 The Saying Is Right - A consistent thing people find is that when they spend so much of their time making money, they don’t have time to spend it! Such a shame…if they send it to us, we’ll be more than happy to help them with that!
- 👪 Pandemic Reset - Remember how all the shutdowns in the early months of the pandemic really changed how people looked at their work? Jobs became less important, especially as people were able to spend more time with family and gain more control over their days. Folks also were more likely to pursue work they were passionate about. Makes sense; if you’re not going to make any money no matter what, you might as well make nothing while doing something you love.
- 😀 Less Is More - Overall, Paychecks have grown over 5% over the past year, but 40% of workers who took jobs making less money from 2021-2022 say their current job is better than the last one. Of those who switched jobs during that time, 42% did so specifically to gain better work/life balance, to pursue work they enjoyed more, or to work for a company that better matches their values. All good components in the search for happiness!
- 🤔 Worth A Shot - For some, it may help to rewrite some mental narratives before quitting a high paying job. One career coach says about half of her clients are able to eventually find happiness with their current job so they don’t end up quitting. Hey, getting into a better mental space and keeping a big Paycheck sounds like a total win to us!
- 📉↗️ Hypothetically Speaking - About half of all American workers would take a 20% pay cut if it meant a better quality of life. And working from home 2-3 days per week is worth about 8% of their pay. Hm, that seems low to us… 😉
🔥Bottom line: We all have to have a certain amount of money to live. But beyond that, it really is empowering to understand that there are choices you can make to achieve the right balance between time and money.
What’s your ideal balance?
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