Stats on the App-Based Economy in PA

You might be getting fried chicken from DoorDash, but the San Francisco Zoo is getting baby pandas from China. 😍🐼 Sorry, but that’s way more delicious news…and not in a “we’re gonna eat the pandas” way. 🤪

A new Axios analysis on Pennsylvania’s app-based economy had some juicy stats we just had to share. Probably not juicier than that hot chicken sandwich but hey, we went there anyway. 🍗


Here’s Five Fast Facts on PA’s app-based economy:

  1. 🚗 Giggity Giggity - People used to poo-poo the gig economy and thought it was just a fad. Like your Gen-Z cousin’s mullet (hopefully). But the gig work is totes here to stay and app-based companies are growing. A total of 4% of PA’s overall workforce engages in app-based work. 
  1. 🥡 Special Delivery - In 2022, PA’s 260,000 app-based workers contributed $7.2 billion to the state’s economy. Workers from apps like Uber and DoorDash made 150 million deliveries and trips that year. That’s a lot of chicken sandwiches and rides home from the club.
  1. 📊 The Big Picture - When we zoom out to look at the entire country, roughly 4.3% of the overall U.S. workforce is involved in some kind of app-based work. That’s around 7.3 million workers. 
  1. 🚙 Driving Factors - Which state is number one when it comes to app-based work? The state that’s not a state, AKA Washington, D.C. Roughly 9% of their workforce is made up of drivers or couriers. Who’s the lowest? Tennessee with just 0.5% of their labor force.
  1. 🐻 Goldilocks Vibes - Where does PA fall on the list of states with the most app-based workers? The Keystone State grabs a middle spot, coming in 24th place. Not too hot, not too cold.

🔥Bottom line: It’s crazy to think of a world without app-based services. From Ubering home from happy hour to GrubHubbing our trusty Friday night Chinese food, we’d all shed a major tear if it went away! Can’t get enough stats? Feed your need for knowledge with these facts and figures on PA’s housing trends. 

Do you work in the gig economy?

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