Putting the Personality in Personal Finance!

She's got personality…but does she have any cash?? 💋 You could have a face made for radio, but if your personality's right, you could be laughing all the way to the bank. 😆📻

Our personalities have a lot to do with our behaviors. Tons of nerds -- AKA “researchers” -- spent countless hours looking into all the ways personality and finances go hand in hand.🤓 We've rounded up some of the most interesting tidbits for you here!


Here’s Five Fast Facts on the link between finances and personality traits:

  1. 😇 On Your Best Behavior - Researchers discovered a link between certain personality traits and certain financial behaviors. One study found that the personality trait of conscientiousness is strongly associated with healthy saving behaviors, repayment of debts on time, and a lack of financial problems.
  1. 📃 Flip the Script - Do you know your "money script?" A past study asked 400 people what they thought about money. Based on the results, researchers came up with four general "money scripts" people play out in their lives: money avoidance, money worship, money vigilance, and money status. Read more about the types here
  1. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Got It From My Mama - According to an Australian study, you start forming habits and beliefs around money in childhood and early adolescence, mostly based around what you picked up from your parents. However, as you're exposed to other people and environments (school, society, living through your 1452nd economic crisis), your financial personality can morph over time.

  2. 😍 Must Love Money - In another fun study, researchers took a look at old personal ads between 1950 and 1995 to analyze partner preferences over time. They found that in western countries, finances declined in importance, particularly after the 1960s. However, in India, the opposite trend was noticed and finances became even more important after the 1970s. This is mainly due to major economic differences between India and the west.
  1. 💵 Are You My Type? - Another school of thought breaks financial personalities down into three types: savers, spenders, and sharers. Spenders put away as much as they can so they can enjoy it later, have little to no debt, and pay things off early. Spenders ball out and enjoy their money in the present #YOLO. Sharers are big community people and love to share their money with friends, family, charities, and those around them. 

🔥Bottom line: Even though your personality is a strong predictor of how you handle money, you can always change your bad habits! 💯 Steer clear of bad financial advice, especially the kind on this list. Ladies: check out this article on how to beef up your savings and investments. Hate the tax man's personality? We know, he sucks. Head here to learn how to pay less taxes!

Do you think there's a connection between personality and money?

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