New Bill in OH Aims to Stop Foreign Campaign Donations

As we gear up for yet another exciting election cycle, some state officials in Ohio want to stop foreign money from muddying the waters. 💰 If passed, a new bill would stop contributions from donors abroad. 🙅🏻‍♂️

Of course, depending on which side of the aisle you park your tush on, your opinions on the matter might differ. Either way, here's the scoop! 🍨


Here’s Five Fast Facts on the proposed bill:

  1. 💸 Foreign Funders - S.B. 215 recently passed in the Senate. The bill prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to campaigns for or against state or local ballot issues. It includes direct donations as well as donations through political action committees (PACs).
  1. 🧀 Swiss Cheesin' - The creation of the bill was inspired by a "dark money group' called the Sixteen Thirty Fund which contributes to progressive causes. Although it's not required to disclose its donors, according to the Associated Press, the fund received over $200M from a Swiss billionaire.
  1. 🗳️ Cash for Causes - Data from Ohio's campaign finance disclosure portal shows that the Sixteen Thirty Fund spent roughly $11.5M on recent ballot issues such as advocating for abortion access and keeping majority rule on ballot issues in elections. 
  1. 📋 PAC It Up - If passed, the new bill will require all cause-supporting groups to be designated as a PAC, which also requires them to follow laws that apply to PACs. These groups will now have to file special disclosures with the government, making it tougher for contributors to remain anonymous. Additionally, the bill prohibits green card holders (lawful permanent U.S. residents) from contributing to ballot issues or candidates.
  2. 🤔 American Affairs - Democrats believe the bill is a tad bit extra and that Republicans are just butthurt from recent losses at the polls. Republicans believe that the outcomes of the last election might have been pushed through thanks to foreign money. They don't want those abroad sticking their noses in what should be strictly American business.

🔥Bottom line: The bill passed along party lines (25-7) and now it heads to the House. Because the House is also Republican-controlled, it's likely to get the same treatment there. We'll keep our eyes peeled. Have you heard about the funding to clean up Ohio's coal communities? Check out all the details on that here

Do you think foreign donors should be allowed to contribute to causes here in the states?

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