Nebraska Gets Massive Tech Upgrade For...A Feedlot?!

What do you get when you cross Nebraska’s largest feedlot with some high tech wizardry? 🐄💽 A renewable natural gas factory! (And probably lots of steak, too.)


Here are Five Fast Facts on the Dundy County feedlot project:

  1. 🐮🐮How Many Head? The feedlot in question will house roughly 150k head of cattle. The project will improve health for the cattle and help the environment at the same time. #winwin
  2. 🧪What’s The Magic? The feedlot will be built on special concrete that includes a digester. The manure from all that walking steak will be taken fresh from the pens, run through the digester, and poof! Natural gas. Literally.
  3. 🌽Where Is It? The feedlot will be in Dundy County, close to the Colorado border. It’s a great spot since it’s close to several processing facilities. It’s like the last piece of a tasty puzzle!
  4. 💧Will It Hurt The Local Water Situation? The company running the project assures us that it will not, and includes a lot of math about pivots and such to prove it (TBH, we don’t really follow, but it sounds good!). As an added incentive, they’ll be purchasing about 15 million bushels of corn each year to fatten up all that beef.
  5. 💵What’s It Mean For Paychecks? When completed, the feedlot will employ about 200 people. Not counting butchers, of course.

🔥Bottom line: The Dundy County board unanimously approved the project, so the next step is permits from the state. It’ll take a bit of time, but with this many jobs coming to the area, we think this’ll be great for Paychecks! Also, steak. Seriously, is anyone else getting hungry??

What do you think about this project?

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