Minnesota Teachers Do the Math on Pay Raises

Minnesota teachers are finally seeing major pay raises thanks to the state’s $2.2B investment in education. How much are we talking here? 


Here’s Five Fast Facts About Teacher Pay Raises:

  1. 🧾 Bill Me - The money comes from last year’s K-12 education bill that included an unprecedented $2.2B jump in funding.
  2. 📚 Addition - Teachers unions in some suburban districts have already negotiated pay increases that match or exceed the state aid received. Mounds View, for example, received $8M more in per-pupil state funding and it added 6% raises this year and 10% raises next year. 
  3. 🚌 Multiplication - Teachers unions say these raises are necessary since they’ve had their wages frozen for years and had to deal with high inflation. They also argue that salaries like this will help with future recruitment and retention.
  4. 🏫 Negotiation - Teachers unions in larger metro areas are still negotiating. In St. Paul, they’re asking for pay raises of $7,500 and 7.5% this year and next. However, that number is flexible if they can get more for health insurance.
  5. 🧑‍🏫Subtraction - Now, let's not count your chickens before they hatch. Some folks are raising an eyebrow at all this cash flying around. Turns out, some districts are dipping into their piggy banks to cover those hefty pay raises. The Mounds View district, for example, has to tap its reserves to make up the differences. 

🔥The Bottom Line: Finally, some good news for our educators! But hey, let's not pop the champagne just yet. The economics of it all are like a math problem from hell. Is it a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul? Only time will tell, my friends.

So, what's the verdict on these big ol' raises? Let's hear it from the peanut gallery!

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