Mental Health Woes Are Hitting Kids Hard: Help May Be On the Way

Good news, parents: you’re doing something right! Recent data ranks Wisconsin tenth in the nation for child well-being, especially for areas such as economic stability and education! Woo-hoo! Party while they’re at school! 

There is one area of concern, though: mental health. Our kids aren’t coping with things too well. Boo!


Here’s Five Fast Facts About Wisconsin’s Child Mental Health Situation:

  1. 😷Guess Why?- Yep, it’s mostly the frickin’ pandemic’s fault. Wisconsin children particularly suffered with anxiety and depression during this time for many reasons. 
  2. 🧑‍💻To the Capitol! - Experts, like those at the Annie E Casey Foundation, are looking to policymakers to solve the issue. There’s no other way around it because it involves your taxes.
  3. 🧾What’s The Answer? - Those same experts have offered some very helpful recommendations, with an increase of the child tax credit coming in at the top of the list.
  4. 📈How Much? - They suggest raising it from 4% to 16% for parents with one qualifying child and from 11% to 25% for parents with two qualifying children. They say it’s shown to be an effective way to help with mental health issues.
  5. 🗳️When Will We Know? - The unfortunate legislative standoff that has been going on in Madison for a few years now means the suggestion will go largely ignored.

🔥Bottom line: The pandemic hit everyone hard. But it clearly hit our kids harder. The AECF has stepped up and given legislators a clear plan, basically daring them to help people out. Not many other people have the ability (and the stones) to do that. Once again it’s a case of voting for the candidates who can and will stand up to get this done. It is really the only way to make it happen.

Could your family use an increase in the child tax credit?

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