Going “Freegan” to Save Big

If a tree falls in a forest and there aren’t any vegans around to announce they’re vegan, are they still vegan? 😆🥦

Vegans fight (bite?) back by not buying or consuming animal products. Freegans fight the system by…not buying anything at all. 🚫🛒  If it sounds extreme, that’s because it is! 

We’ve got the scoop on freeganism right here. 👇


Here’s Five Fast Facts on freeganism:

  1. 🏊 Dive Right In - True freegans just say no to the economy and live an alternative lifestyle to make a statement. They take to extremes like dumpster diving and trash picking to get by instead of hitting up the grocery store. As far as living situations go, some freegans work for housing, live in groups, or shack up in abandoned buildings.
  1. 🆓 I Want to Break Free - Freeganism started gaining traction in the mid 1990s as more people wanted to break free from capitalism. The movement got its influence from similar ones from the 1960s that opted out of mainstream living to help the environment.
  1. 🥴 Good, Bad, and Ugly - Living a freegan lifestyle has its benefits, mainly saving a ton of money, reducing waste, and building community. However, the cons are pretty conny. Dumpster diving is risky business for your health and camping out in an abandoned building is…illegal. If you’re gonna go freegan, do your homework and be smart about it.
  2. 🪣 Bottom of the Barrel - Freeganism might sound like a wacky idea, but plenty of folks out there don’t have a ton of cash to spare. According to a recent survey, over half of Americans (59%) say they’re not comfortable with how much money they’ve saved.
  1. 🥕 Green Thumb - One way to dip your toe into freeganism is to grow your own food! Plant a garden at home or join a community garden for more veggie power. You can also reduce your family’s food waste by shopping smarter. Avoid buying more food than you need and make the most out of those leftovers.

🔥Bottom line: If squatting isn’t your thing but you want to save on housing, buddy up and rent with a roommate. You could also buy a home with friends or family members to save big. We have an article all about the pros and cons of co-buying. Check it out here!

Would you go freegan?

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