Gen Z Women LOVE the Trades

Hey, why shouldn’t you play a game of poker with your local plumber? Because a good flush beats a full house every time! 🚽😆 We’re here all night, folks.

A new survey reveals that the ladies of Gen Z want to try their hand at a trade career. Watch out, fellas - she’s forklift certified. 💋


Here’s Five Fast Facts on Gen Z women and the trades:

  1. 👩🏽‍🔧 Ladies Night - Historically, careers in skilled trades were mostly male-dominated, but the tide is turning. Today, 52% of Gen Z women are reportedly interested in a trade career, not too far off from 57% of men. Blinged-out hard hats, anyone?
  2. 🤳 For the Gram - Why are younger women so into trade careers these days? We can thank social media for that. Around 60% of those in trades say their jobs are “Instagrammable.” Additionally, 77% of Zoomers say they’ve noticed more skilled trade content in their feed and 67% say that social media is the reason they’re interested in a trade career.
  1. 👷🏼‍♀️ Willing and Stable - Many Zoomers entered the workforce during the pandemic, which was chock-full of layoffs in white collar industries like finance and tech. Trade careers may offer more job stability and 95% of trade professionals surveyed said they felt optimistic about the future.
  2. 🥴 Under Pressure - Even though people are looking more favorably on trade careers, many moms and dads want their Zoomers to get 4-year degrees. While 84% of Gen Zers in a recent survey say their parents respect trade careers, 77% say their parents are pressuring them to go to college.
  1. 🧰 I’ll Trade Ya - Need to hit your college-loving parents with some cold hard facts? New trade professionals can make more moolah. Electricians and plumbers make $60,000 or more per year. The average college grad only makes around $52,000.

🔥Bottom line: Another perk of a trade career? MUCH less student debt…or none at all! While we’re talking about students, today’s scammers are targeting the youngest among us. Check out this article where we break down the latest student focused scams and how to avoid them. 

Are you pursuing a trade career?

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