Everybody Chill: Utility Rates Maybe Could Be Might Be Lower This Winter

Wisconsin’s heating bills may drop this winter but that doesn’t mean they’re finally going to be reasonable again.


Here’s Five Fast Facts on Wisconsin Heating Bills:

  1. 🥶 Snowfall - According to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA), heating prices will drop by 7.8% if we have an average winter. However, they’re also expecting propane prices to go up 4.2%, heating oil to go up 8.7%, and electric hopping up by 1.2%.
  2. 🧊 Snowblind - Before you ask, there is indeed a catch. Prices are still expected to be at their second-highest levels since 2014. 
  3. 🌨️ Snowy Forecast - A WEC Energy Group representative said they “anticipate” lower heating bills. Excel Energy also said they “anticipate” customers paying 8% less. 
  4. ⛄ Snowblower - That number may seem great but if you remember last winter, natural gas prices were up 28% due to the war in Ukraine. So, if their projections are correct, you’ll still be paying an inflated price.
  5. ❄️ Snow Drift - The other factor in play here is that it’s looking like we’re not going to have an average winter. NEADA says it’s expected to be even colder this year.

🔥Bottom line: It seems that the only thing that matters to these utility companies is profit. Wisconsinites have to wonder whether or not these gas companies care if you can even afford to stay warm. If they did, we wouldn’t have non-profits like Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool. And while the war in Ukraine is causing problems with gas prices and availability, the utilities still set the price. 

What do you think should be done to lower energy costs in Wisconsin?

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