Don’t Want to Vote? Fine By Us.

Voting is so hard, right? You probably have so many reasons not to: It’s your cat’s birthday. It’s raining. There’s an off chance you could sprain your ankle stepping out of the car… we get it.

We really think you got this, though. We know you can do it. You just have to make sure you're registered, find your polling location, do some research. Then GO.

And if you don’t, don’t you DARE do any of the following: 

  1. 📣 Complain - If you don’t vote, don’t come at us about how so and so really sucks and is spending your hard earned tax dollars all wrong. You lost your right just like you flouted your right to vote!

  2. 🥇 Brag - At all. Imagine the endless social media posts showing off stickers and airing hashtags like #dontsuckvotelocal. Well, you won’t have a sticker. And the best hashtag you can use is #isuck.
  3. 🤗 Feel the Warm and Fuzzies - No do-gooder vibes for you. You get nothing, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You missed your chance at the most basic civic duty you could perform all year. I mean come on – it’s not jury duty, for crying out loud!
  4. 💤 Sleep Well at Night - You’ll have endless nights, tossing and turning thinking about how the newest city council member, the one from the election in which you didn’t vote, is turning the lot behind your house into a 24-hour ska bandstand / dog park. 

  5. 👪 Be the Family Favorite - I mean, look… they’ve barely forgiven you for your shenanigans at the Fourth of July party. If you don’t vote in the midterms, you might as well disinvite yourself from Thanksgiving now and save everyone the awkwardness. 🤷 That’s right: None of Grandma’s apple pie for you!

Buuuut... this doesn’t have to be you. It doesn’t have to be like this. You can avoid all this. 

Just. Vote. Here are all the links you need to get ‘er done:

  1. Register (again)
  2. Find your Polling location (again) OR get a mail-in ballot
  3. Put it on your calendar. Here’s the best times to hit the polls 

Let all your friends know you’re better than them.

Guess what? The President's not up for a vote in the midterms...but your local & state government reps are! Here’s three small things you can do that make a BIG impact: