Credit Card Protection 101

Gone are the days of maxing out our credit cards on bougie trips to Europe and the latest designer sunglasses. These days, we’re maxing them out on eggs (AKA EggMaxing). 🍳 Pro tip: get around your grocery store’s two-carton-per-person rule by walking out, then walking back in with a simple disguise. 🥸

If you’re a responsible credit card user, you should take advantage of all the egg-cellent protection benefits they offer. 🤩 What are we talking about? Keep reading. 


Here’s Five Fast Facts on credit card protection:

  1. 🛍️ Buying Power - If your credit card offers purchase protection, you could get reimbursed for damaged or stolen goods. Usually, this kind of protection has a specific time frame, like 90 days from the date of purchase. There may also be price limits on each claim or how much you can get reimbursed per account. 
  1. 💳 The Extra Mile - We’re calling to discuss your car’s extended warranty. LOL j/k. But your credit card company may offer you extended warranty protection on certain items. This benefit could stretch warranties an extra year or more. FYI - this kind of benefit typically becomes available only after an existing warranty and any insurance coverage wears off.
  1. ☎️ Is There A Problem? - Is customer service giving you the runaround? Some credit card companies offer return protection where they’ll reimburse you if a retailer doesn’t accept your return within a set timeframe. Your CC may also hook you up with dispute resolution where they’ll resolve issues with retailers on your behalf. Now that’s service. 
  1. 👮 Fraud Fighter - Most credit cards offer zero liability protection, which means you’re off the hook for any fraudulent and unauthorized charges. If your card or identity is stolen, the credit card company will investigate wonky charges and take them off your statement. As for all the money you wired to that Nigerian prince? You’re on your own there, sweetheart.
  1. ✈️ Taking Off - Any jet setters in the house? Certain credit cards may offer travel interruption or cancellation protection. If you have to cancel your trip for a sudden death in the family or extreme weather, you could be eligible for reimbursement. Some cards may even hook you up with travel insurance on the house. 

🔥Bottom line: Remember, not all credit cards are created equal. When you’re shopping around for some new plastic, read the fine print and choose one that’s best for your financial situation and lifestyle. And, as always, charge responsibly, friends. 

What’s your favorite credit card benefit?

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