Can You Buy Jobs in Michigan?

We’ve often reported on Gov. Whitmer’s efforts to travel around the state and broadcast different deals and programs she’s made to bring new jobs to Michigan. We’d love to see each and every one of these succeed wildly but creating loads of new jobs for Michiganders isn’t exactly that easy…

Here are Five Fast Facts on buying jobs in Michigan:

  1. 💰 Buying Jobs - Gov. Whitmer is proposing a revival of an old program called Good Jobs for Michigan. It basically gives taxpayer dollars to businesses for job creation (and assumes it’ll work).
  1. ✌️ Buying Jobs…Again?! - To decide if it’s a good thing to bring back an old program, we should first look at whether or not it was successful before. In short, this one wasn’t. It threw $200 million to only six companies years ago but not a single created job was linked to that money. 😡
  1. 🎓 Aid For Higher Education - Whitmer is also looking to throw cash at high school graduates to provide scholarships and living expenses to get them through community college. Problem is, this is another program that hasn’t shown real results, probably because it was designed to avoid accountability for the people getting the money. 🤦
  1. 👶 Aid For Lower Education - She’s also suggesting that the youth of the state will be better prepared to take on good jobs if their education starts early. As in, toddler early. She’s proposing funding for universal pre-K! No word on how much that’ll cost Michigan taxpayers, but trust her, it’ll help things, right? 
  1. 🚫 Opposition - The Governor’s proposals aren’t without opposition. Critics say that instead of throwing money and hoping jobs will materialize, it would be much better to put funding toward things that have actually been demonstrated to work, like removing regulations and lowering taxes. You know, crazy stuff.

🔥Bottom line: Look, we are definitely fans of programs and initiatives that create jobs. But that’s the key - they need to actually create jobs. So often they don’t, but politicians still love to pat themselves on the back for spending your money even when they get no results. Where’s the sanity check? Where’s the responsibility? Where’s the accountability? Pssst…it’s you, the voters.

What do you think about these programs?

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