Women just do it better, don’t they? 💃 Have you *seen* the way a man loads a dishwasher? Straight up nightmare fuel. 🥴 Ladies, if you’ve got a man who treats the craft like a clean game of Tetris, he’s a keeper. 💟
The Wall Street Journal just dropped a stat-packed bomb on how Boomer women are shaping our financial future. 💸 And spoiler: If you’re a woman over 60, odds are you’ll be managing more money than ever before. Are you ready for it?
Here’s Five Fast Facts on women inheriting wealth:
- 😎 In the Zone - In 2025, a record number of Americans will turn 65 (a whopping 4.2 million people). Researchers call the years between 2024 and 2027 the “peak 65 zone” because of how many people are hitting retirement age. Translation? The largest wealth handoff in history is about to go down.
- 🤑 Trillion Dollar Divas - Last year, American women over 60 controlled roughly $8 trillion in liquid wealth. Since 2018, women’s wealth has grown by 80%—outpacing overall wealth growth of 62%. In short: women aren’t just inheriting money, they’re accumulating it faster.
- 💰 Transfer Train - Baby Boomers, the country’s wealthiest generation (thanks to that sweet post-WWII economic boom), will pass down an estimated $82 trillion to younger generations in the coming years. And because women tend to outlive men, they’ll control much of that wealth.
- 👫 Men Are From Mars - In about 60% of wealthy American households, men are the main financial decision-makers. They’re also the ones who usually handle the family’s financial advisor. But here’s the twist—70% of women switch financial advisors after their spouse dies, signaling a major shift in money management priorities.
- 🔁 Switching It Up - When women take control of wealth, they don’t manage it the same way men do. Women are more likely to prioritize long-term healthcare and charitable giving. In fact, 85% of charitable donations from wealthy households are either made or influenced by women.
🔥Bottom line: Whether you’re inheriting money, managing it, or planning for the future, getting financially savvy now is key. Start taking an active role in financial planning, review your estate plans, and make sure your wealth is set up to support the things that matter most to you. Because ready or not, the biggest financial shift in history is already happening. Head over to this article for some top tips.
Ladies: how many of you are in charge of the finances in your household?
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