5 Resources for Women Small Biz Owners in PA

In an old interview, Cher revealed her mom told her to “settle down and marry a rich man”. Her response? “Mom, I AM a rich man.” 🤑 And that’s exactly the kind of energy we’re bringing in 2025. 💅

If you’re a PA lady building an empire as a small biz owner, having the right support makes all the difference! We’ve rounded up five of the best places to go to grow, shine, and boost your bottom line. 💰


Here’s Five Fast Facts on support for PA’s women-owned businesses:

  1. 💡 Step One - Trying to move from that big idea to taking action? Make the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop your first item of business. The PA Business One-Stop Shop lends a helping hand to everyone from brand new entrepreneurs to existing small businesses. Check out their website to get access to a ton of great resources to help you get started.
  2. 🥊 Training Day - Looking for the right training to help you level up as a biz owner? Through the Pennsylvania SBDC network, you’ll find opportunities for one-on-one consulting, training, and resources specifically for women-owned businesses. With partnerships with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and several PA universities, this network packs a ton of value.
  1. 🥘 Melting Pot - Variety is the spice of life! Tap into the PA Department of General Services’ Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion, and Small Business Opportunities (BDISO) to get certified as a diverse business. With this certification, women-owned businesses in PA can get access to procurement opportunities (AKA become a supplier for other businesses) state-wide. 
  1. 👥 It’s Who You Know - If you need to boost your network, consider hooking up with the Women’s Business Enterprise Center (WBEC) East. This organization supports women business owners and entrepreneurs in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Southern New Jersey. In addition to networking opportunities, you’ll get resources on certification programs, business counseling, training, and more.
  1. 🚀 Leveling Up - Women small biz owners from economically disadvantaged communities can get support through PA’s Women’s Opportunities Resource Center (WORC). They provide training, job placement assistance, and access to financial resources to set women entrepreneurs up for success. 

🔥Bottom line: Not cut out for the entrepreneur life? It sure isn’t for everyone! If you’re looking to move up the corporate ladder to become the #girlboss you’ve always dreamed of, we’ve got some tips and tricks up our sleeve. Check out this article for all the deets!  

Are you running a women-owned business in PA?

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