Hi, I’m the Midterms and I’d Like Your Vote

Dear You,

Now look here, You. Every four years, you're great about voting for the next president. Like really – good job –  a whopping 60% of you and your friends cast your votes and collect your stickers. 

But what about me? I may not pick the president… but I’m an important election too. In fact, I’d say I’m MORE IMPORTANT than the presidential election.

But I have not been feeling the love. What can I do to win you over? Short of taking you out for tacos, of course. 

I know! Let me list the reasons I'm the most important election. 

  1. You're the Star of My Show - The guy in the White House doesn't live here, and you know how tough long-distance relationships are. Meanwhile, I decide who runs Your town, Your schools, and everything in Your state.
  1. 🥇I'll Put You First - Sure the President decides some things… but in many ways, the members of Congress decide even more. You want a seat at the table about how things go down in this country? This is where it’s at. 
  1. 🎁I Make a Great Gift - So many people in this country have fought for the right to vote. Women won the right to vote just over a hundred years ago. Why not shake what your Granny gave you… exercise the freedom she and her friends fought for.

  2. 💖 I'm Way More Chill - Look, this doesn't have to be a big deal. I'm laid back, with my mind on my money, and… sorry, I got distracted. Anyway, things are simpler and the lines are shorter for Midterms. Need to register to vote? Go here. Need to check your polling location? Go here. Want to file to vote absentee? Check this out.

  3. 👂I'm a Great Listener - That issue with your horrible boss? Complaints about your kid's school? Mad about how rundown the park on the corner got this summer? Those are things that I, MIDTERMS, help solve. But only if you choose me. Vote, or I ignore you completely. 

You and me - we’ll make a great team. We’ll get things done around here, I just know it. You just got to stop by and vote!

Yours Truly, 

The 2022 Midterm Election

PS: I make a killer omelet and am good with dogs. 

Let your friends know that they suck if they don’t vote. It may sound harsh, but it’s true... and here’s a spicy meme you can send to them as a reminder.

Here’s the group to help you and your friends stay accountable and get the info you need as you prep for voting.